"When I was a sophomore in high school, I was bullied for many reasons. The main reason was because of the appearance of my teeth. I was called a lot of names, such as 'shark tooth' and 'razor girl'. Remarks were consistently made about my teeth. In addition to being bullied daily at school, I was cyberbullied as well. The bullying was so bad that I dropped out of high school because I was too afraid to walk home after school. Every time I did walk home after school I would be followed and get beaten up. I worked hard and got my GED. I had a counselor named Toby at the downtown learning center in Salem and she told me about ASK. Thanks, Toby and the amazing people who were involved with ASK I was able to follow my dream of becoming a model. I was signed to a modeling agency.
"The bullying was so bad that I dropped out of high school."
