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Updated: May 5, 2020

When Kayla was initially referred to the ASK program as a junior in High School, she was expecting her daughter and she knew many challenges lay ahead. Orthodontic treatment was definitely not on her list of expenses that she needed to take on, so when she was referred to ASK, many things changed.

Kayla struggled for months to find a place to volunteer but eventually landed at her local hospital where she has been trained and is now volunteering in the maternity ward. She graduated high school, is raising her little girl and feels that she has found her calling through her volunteer work.

Kayla is naturally a person who lights up her surroundings by her happy nature and positive outlook on life. We are so excited to have Kayla in the ASK Program and look forward to being there in the future to see what we can do to help, and especially what Kayla does professionally.

Kayla received her orthodontic treatment from Dr. Seth Senestraro.



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